
Refering back to the video, imagine how the daughter of the strict mother would feel if the scenario was real. Everyday, once the young girl would receive her test scores back, her eyes would well with tears and her fingers would tremble with disbelief if she recieves a score below an A plus. The girl probably understands that her parents love her unconditionally, and only wants her to be successful. However, she probably doesn't understand why she has to be punished (Cline and Fay 23). The girl would probably try to hide her test, however she would later on remember that her parents are already expecting her to come home with her results ("Authoritarian Parenting- The Outcomes for being Demanding and Dictatorial").

The girl would probably give up in the end and begin to imagine the worst. She would be dreading the thoughts of going home while feeling very insecure in her abilities (Pitzer).

These insecurities that the children like the girl felt is the very reason that several controversies formed to question good parenting. This scenario is no stranger to  Amy Chua, a well respected law professor and author of the book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. Amy Chua's book caused many controversies over her unpopular parenting style (itsmepj101).

One of which is the use of extreme authoritarian parenting. Authoritarian parenting is defined as a certain parent having strict, non flexible rules and expectations that are to be followed unconditionally (Cherry). Chua's book encouraged many parents to follow the authoritative parenting style instead. The authoritative parenting style is known to have reasonable and flexible parents who encourage balance toward their child through discipline and respect (Cherry).